Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Begining

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog, Can't Stop This Mother! This blog is about my journey through weight loss, health and fitness and my quest to join the US Air Force. I tried to join the US Navy a few years back, but the recruiters were not supportive and long story short, things fizzled out (both going Office or Enlisted). I have been trying to secure a full time, salary paying job along with benefits since graduating with my master's degree in 2014. I have not had any luck, and in order to support my husbands dream of becoming a Nurse, I am now working hard to join the US Air Force as an enlisted airman. This blog is mainly for me, as therapeutic, and also as an accountability tracker, as I have tried to lose weight many times in my life and somehow I always end up quitting or being unsuccessful for one reason or another. Not this time. I am honest to a fault, everything I post, good or bad is how my journey is going. I am a bit behind in this blog, as I began this journey on June 1, 2018. I am currently 5'2 and 135.4lbs.My measurements are as follows (in inches)(as of June 1): bust-37.75 chest- 32.75 waist- 36.5 stomach- 39.25 hips- 48 thigh(s)- 28.75 calves- 17.5 bicep/ upper arm- 13.8 forearm- 10.9 My lifestyle before making changes was going to bed between 9pma and 11pm and waking up at 7:30am, putting my son on the bus, then sleeping again until 9 and then going to work and taking naps whenever possible. I love baked goods, cake, cookies, you name it, I want it! I can't eat a lot at one time but I am a snacker and tend to eat a lot over the course of a day, I estimate I was probably consuming 3,000+ calories per day. My 'workout' consisted of walking at a normal pace with my husband, two dogs and toddler through the neighborhood for 45-60 minutes per day. I usually only hit 3,000-5,000 steps per day. I drank less than 8oz of water per day, I either drank soda, or honestly nothing. I dislike most healthy foods, veggies, some fruits, fish, turkey, etc. My new goals are as follows: Water- drink 2.5oz every 15 minutes, 10oz an hour and 120oz per day. Food- Consume less sugar, no soda, consume less than or equal to 1,250 calories per day, lose 46 pounds in 31 weeks (so by January 8, 2019). Mind- meditate after waking up and before going to sleep, meditate for focus 2-3 times during the day. Sleep- Go to sleep/bed by 10 pm and wake up by 7am, no eating after 8pm, no electronic devices after 8:30pm. Fitness- Crossfit 3x per week (M, W, F) Couch to 10k 3x per week (T, TR,S) 10k non-stop jog in 14 weeks (September 11) Push-ups- 3x per week (T, TR, S) 250 push up goal in 8 weeks (July 31) Sit-ups-3x per week (T, TR, S) 257 sit up goal in 8 weeks (July 31) Planks-3x per week (T, TR, S) 5 minute hold plank goal in 8 weeks (July 31) Squats-3x per week (T, TR, S) 231 squat goal in 8 weeks (July 31) Burpees-3x per week (T, TR, S) 150 burpee goal in 8 weeks (July 31) Wall Sits-3x per week (T, TR, S) 5 minute hold wall sit goal in 8 weeks (July 31) Stretches- 3x per week (T, TR, S) 10,000 steps minimum per day (fitbit) For the record, I will be attempting to create different threads, one for food and water, one for sleep and mind and one for crossfit and another for my c210k, etc. If you have questions or suggestions I would love to hear from you! I will be doing measurements and weigh in's on the first of each month along with progress pics which will be posted on my fitness 'group' on Facebook at F**K Fat, Get Fit 2018, dm me for an add! To achieve my goals I am doing and using the following: Fitbit, for step, workout counter, etc. and to count calories and heart rate Zenlabs apps for Squats, Pushups and Situps C210k app for the couch to 10k Creative Apps, 30 Day Challenge Apps for wall sits, burpees, and planks Corona Labs App for Stretching Drink Water Reminder App (you earn fish) for water intake Simple Habit App for meditation, stress, sleep and focus I also enrolled for a 6 month membership at my local crossfit gym along with my friend and co-worker Amy, she is also helping hold me accountable. Once per month I am also doing the PFA Calculator App to see where I stand in regards to basic training, I am using every free ASVAB practice exam site I can find and taking them 2-3 times per week until I get higher scores (right now I am around 68-73%), I am looking up different AFSC and what the jobs entail and the ASVAB requirements for each, I am also studying once per week using the DEP (Delayed Entry Program) app to study chain of command, core values, airmans creed, rank, and military time, etc.

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